Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to lose weight NOW - Diet Rules

Want to lose weight now? Diet is KING!

When trying to lose weight in a hurry your diet will make or break you. It is absolutely paramount that you keep your diet clean when on a fast weight loss program as the extra calories will really get in the way.

So, make sure that you know exactly what you can and cannot eat over this weight loss period so that you do not faulter in the diet area in any way whatsoever.
Diet Rules for Losing Weight Now

Here are the rules and principles that one must follow if they want to lose weight in a hurry for a particular event or something else like that. Remember, this is not something that you should do all the time. This is intended to be a once off thing that you only do in rare cases and after consulting your doctor.

NB - This is a diet and exercise plan I have used on myself and my friends with great success. It is more a set of rules then a weight loss program but it really has worked wonders.

# 1 - No man-made ‘carb’ foods like rice, pasta, bread, flour, etc.
This is the most important rule of them all as far as losing weight quickly is concerned. You are to cut out all man-made ‘carb’ type foods.

These foods are highly processed. They contain added sugar and preservatives as well as being very high in carbohydrates which are harder to burn during the day and usually get stored as fat.

The other reason you are to cut out these foods is because the wreak havoc with your insulin levels. Without going into a complex discussion of what insulin does, you can be assurred that if your insulin is bouncing all over the place, so to will your weight levels.

Cutting out these foods will be hard. I know it is for me. I crave them quite often, particularly when it is cold. However, keep your goals in mind and it will be over soon. You will find, too, that cutting out these foods will also help your health. It is my guess that you will feel fantastic after this period.

# 2 - Eat only fruit until lunch time
When I first did this myself I loved it so much that I continued it after the weight was lost. I found my energy levels were up all day and I didn’t get as tired after sport as I used to. I am a firm believer that fruit is what humans were meant to eat and as such it is a vital health and weight loss food.

Feel free to eat as much fruit as you like. Make sure you have a nice variety and mixture of fruits from all over the world. The best way to do this is to make a fruit salad or a fruit smoothie.

You will be so glad that you made this particular change.

# 3 - Eat six small meals a day
This is an old rule but it works really well. Eating six small meals a day keeps your metabolism burning all day long which burns quite a few calories in the process.

Each meal should be small but full of enough essential nutrients that you don’t go hungry or go without. Eat your meals in a small bowl so that the meal appears large and make sure each meal is at least two hours a part but no more than three hours. So, if you have meal one at 8am make sure you have meal two by 11am.

# 4 - No refined sugar
You are to cut out all refined sugar. This means cutting out almost everything man-made and not adding any sugar into tea and coffee.

Refined sugar is a leech to the body’s nutrients and is the main reason many women are overweight today. This added sugar is found in almost everything including:

  • Frozen and pre-packed foods;
  • Biscuits;
  • Snack bars;
  • Lollies;

It is even found in so called health-foods like protein shakes and vitamin drinks. I big tip for finding out whether something has a lot of sugar inÂ�it is if it boasts a big label saying “99% Fat Free!” or something like that. A food may be 99% fat free but it can still contain a truck load of sugar which will really knock your weight loss goals around. So, make sure you check labels and if in doubt - grab some fruit!

# 5 - No food within two hours of bed
This one is a simple little trick that boost weight loss by quite a bit. You’ll be surprised at how helpful this trick is.

As we all know, we don’t burn many calories during sleep time and as such all our dinner gets absorbed as fat because the body has no use for the energy. So, make sure you eat dinner early and are up and about burning as many of your dinner calories as you can before going to sleep.

# 6 Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Dinner must have protein and vegetables
Make a rule that the last three meals of the day must have about 60% protein and 40% vegetables. You should have a nice piece of organic meat like steak, chicken, fish or lamb and the rest of the meal should be a variety of vegetables. Place particular importance on green leafy vegetables like spinach and rocket as well as red and orange vegetables like pumkin, sweet potato, tomato, etc.

Don’t add anything to these meals to make them taste better. If you want them to taste good cook them in natural flavors like fresh chilli, herbs, lemon, lime and other wonderful options that we have.

# 7 - Water
Water will be your new best friend if you are trying to lose weight quickly.

Drink a tall glass of water before each meal and make sure you are sipping on water all day long. This will flush out your system and fight hunger pains which will stop you snacking. Drinking a lot of water has helped many people lose a lot of weight. Use it!

# 8 - Avoid dairy after lunch and with other fats
Every woman needs to eat dairy but for this small period of time we are going to cut back.

All dairy should be cut out after lunch and when eating or drinking dairy products before lunch it shouldn’t be had with another fat group food or a food that is mostly carbs. For example, don’t have a glass of milk with a plate of potatos or a serving of cheese on crackers. It is too many slow burning energies at one time and is just going to hinder your progress.

To summarize:

  • Eat only natural foods like fruit, vegetables and meats;
  • No man-made foods - especially breads, pastas, rice and flours;
  • No food within two hours of bed time;
  • Drink lots of water;
  • Eat your food in six small meals spaced out over two-three hour gaps;
  • Enjoy the natural flavors of your foods.

If you follow these rules you will see the weight drop off by itself. In the next post we will look at the perfect weight loss cardio for losing weight really fast. Don’t miss that one as it will boost your fat loss amazingly!

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