Monday, August 9, 2010

How to get thin and toned arms

Many women talk about wanting thin and toned arms as they are unhappy with their current wobbly triceps. In this post I’ll go over some of the myths concerning this type of training as well as looking at some of the ways to try and achieve this.

Myths about getting thin and toned arms

The women’s fitness industry is full of so many fibs and false informations that sometimes I feel like throwing my computer into the wall! However, I am determined to make Real Women’s full of quality, fresh and helpful information so as to combat all these myths.

As aforementioned, many women want thin arms. And, sadly, many companies try to capitalize off of this desire and women wind up getting hurt or discouraged.

As we all know you cannot spot reduce. That means that you cannot train one part of your body in the hope that it will burn fat off of only that part of your body. It is impossible.

So, if someone writes something that says that this exercise or this workout is only for toning or thinning your arms then you should close the window and forget about it - it isn’t true!

That being said, there are some things you can do in order to increase your chances of toning and thinning your arms.

Two ways of toning and thinning your arms

There are two elements you need to take into account when trying to achieve this goal:

1.Weight Loss; and
2.Weight Training.

If you have a well designed workout and diet that allows you to burn fat as well as working the muscles that you want to tone then you will significantly boost your results. Never try and just use weights or just use diet on its own, it is when they are combined that they become effective.
Getting thin arms involves luck

If you want thin arms then you, sorry to say, need to rely a little bit on your genetics. Not everyone can have perfectly toned and thin arms as some people simply aren’t programmed to do so.

However, by losing weight and working your arms out with weights you can significantly improve whatever shape arms you presently have and that is what fitness and health is all about. We are not trying to be like someone else, we are trying to better ourselves.

High reps for toned arms?

Many people say that if you want to tone your arms you need to use light weights with lots of reps. I personally don’t understand why anyone would do this!

My reasons for saying this is because we use heavy weights and low reps when we want to build muscle. Toning your arms is no different, you want to build muscle so that it is more visible once you lose the fat that is covering it.

However, if you want thin arms then you might want to decrease the weight a little bit so as to avoid excess size and to allow for a cardio type of weight workout; that is, to boost your heart rate and metabolism.

Does anyone out there have any workouts or tips for getting thin and toned arms? Anything worked particularly well?

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