Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to stop being tired all the time

Some people I know are tired all the time. It really gets to them. They are cranky and unproductive. However it could be something more serious. If you are tired all the time check out these tips.

Why am I tired?

The first thing you need to do is establish exactly why you are tired. Although this sounds simple on paper, it is often the hardest part of the journey.

There are so many reason why you might be tired and, of course, you should see your doctor if it lasts for a long time. However, here are some of the main reasons why you might be tired all the time:

1 - You don’t sleep enough

This is the obvious one. If you are out partying and working late then you probably aren’t getting enough sleep.

2 - Not enough quality sleep

The word quality here is the key. You might get nine hours of sleep but that sleep might be interrupted, restless and so on. More on this later.

3 - You are stressed

Sometimes the very act of being stressed makes you tired even if you are getting enough sleep. Stress affects the body in many more ways then people care to admit so it is important to check yourself and see how stressed you are.

4 - You are overdoing it

Many people these days over do it with work and social lives and so on. See if that is you.

5 - Your sleep is not consistent

I work early mornings on a few days a week and I find this really gets to me as it is not a consistent daily wake up time. Experts agree that one of the best ways to avoid being tired is to wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends.

How much sleep should I get?

This is the magic question that is really NOT THAT IMPORTANT. For years people have been spouting the ‘you need 8 hours a day’ speech but it is completely not true.

The fact of the matter is, everyone needs different amounts of sleep. I can happily get up and do a full day on 6 hours sleep while my partner cannot function without 9 hours. We are just different.

The key is to make sure you know how much sleep you need. Don’t worry about what others tell you, look at your own experience and go with it.

The most important things you can do to stop being tired

The amount of sleep isn’t as important as the following key tips that you need to implement if you want to be less tired.

It is usually what you do when you are awake that dictates how well you sleep.

1 - What do you do before bed?

If you have trouble sleeping then check what you are doing before you go to sleep. Is it study or sex? Meditation or party?

2 - Cut out all coffee, chocolate and alcohol before bed

My doctor once told me that these three foods are the worst thing you can have if you have troubles with sleeping. The coffee especially upsets your stomach and it creates a very active environment in your body and mind.

This is one of the most important tips because it can dictate the quality of your sleep. Cut out these foods after lunch for a week and I bet you start feeling more awake.

3 - Exercise everyday

If you exercise you tire yourself out and this helps you get to sleep.

Exercise will also release a lot of chemicals into your blood that are relaxing and create many good feelings - all of which help with sleep.

4 - Lose weight

If you are overweight then you can bet your house on the fact that it is that which is causing you to be tired. Fat puts an amazing amount of stress on your body and it really can affect how well you sleep.

I have an overweight friend who was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and told that 10% of his brain had been damaged through a lack of oxygen when he sleeps. This was all because he was fat. In high school he was always sleeping in class, tired during sport and so on. If you are overweight and tried then go see your doctor. You might need to lose a bit of weight to improve your sleep. You might need to lose a bit of weight to save your life!

5 - Stop worrying

My dad owns a big company and I remember him coming home from work and sitting down and doing more work at dinner. Then he would do some more work, watch the news, and then try and go to sleep. I’d get up during the night to go to the toilet and he would be on the couch watching late night commercials because he couldn’t sleep. I wonder why!

If you are a hard worker during the day then you will be a hard worker during the night. You need to find a way to slow down and relax your mind once work has finished. Leave it at the office.

6 - Power nap Da Vinci style

Leo Da Vinci was said to have slept for no more than 20 minutes at a time a few times a day. He said it was this that allowed him to work on all his genius ideas. I have tired it and it seems as though 20 minutes after work is worth a whole lot at night.

How to know if your sleep patterns are dangerous

A good way to test and see whether your tiredness could be dangerous to others is if you are tired and unable to focus when you should be. For example, if you are in a business meeting where you need to pay close attention and all of a sudden you realize you haven’t been listening for the last few minutes then you should do something about it.

A lack of sleep can be annoying or really dangerous. Make sure you talk to your doctor if your sleep patterns are really getting to you. Remember though, you can change it.

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